The first step with either is to try to stop the bleeding. (2014, November 20). Once youre shaving, dont press down: Instead, just pull parallel to the contour of your skin and let your razor do the work. The common circulatory condition is a leading cause of amputations in the U.S. If the wound is deep or dirty, consider getting a tetanus shot if you haven't had one in the past five years, according to the Mayo Clinic. After the bleeding has stopped, you'll want to take a closer look at the wound, analyze the damage-is there any dirt lodged inside?-and then clean it. Sick of being covered in little squares of toilet paper? In the days following an injury, be on the lookout to ensure that a wound is healing correctly. Maintain pressure for one to two minutes or until the bleeding stops. A styptic pencil is considered an anti-hemorrhaging tool, meaning it helps stop bleeding quickly. "Nipples are made up of vascular tissue similar to the tissue on your penis which means it's . Apply a witch hazel-based toner or other alcohol-free aftershave to disinfect the wound. The first reason is just natures way the second reason, not so much. A gunshot wound is a medical emergency. Apply an aftershave formulated for preventing razor bumps . Our product picks are editor-tested, expert-approved. Theyre marketed as natural or primal or. Contact Us with any questions or search this site for more information. Hemostatic gauze has medicine on it that helps blood quickly clot. Try to keep it from getting wet during the first day or so. Im not a fan of using anything else such as hydrogen peroxide, alcohol or antibiotic cream.. Itll help get the bacteria and dirt out. Shop sales in every category.Uh-oh, overstock: Wayfair put their surplus on sale for up to 50% off. Iodine works, too. Accidents happen all the time, from your childs latest boo-boo to a co-workers on-the-job injury to slicing your finger while chopping veggies, so knowing how to stop the bleeding is key. Hold it for 5 minutes straight, no breaks. Reapply a fresh, barely-there layer of balm, and again throughout the dayand especially at night, before bed. In the evening, you can reapply witch hazel after cleansing the face, too. 10 It's Not Easy To Shave. If the finger appears to have become infected, a prompt medical evaluation is essential. If the wound is on the arm or leg, raise limb above the. Hypovolemic shock is a life-threatening condition caused by losing more than 15 percent of blood or fluids, preventing the heart from pumping enough. Taylor of Old Bond Street aftershave, $16.99, .css-p1qoec{background-color:#ffffff;border:thin solid #595959;color:#000;display:inline-block;font-family:GraphikBold,GraphikBold-fallback,Helvetica,Arial,Sans-serif;letter-spacing:0rem;padding:0.625rem;-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;text-decoration-color:#d2232e;text-decoration-thickness:0.125rem;text-transform:uppercase;text-underline-offset:0.25rem;-webkit-transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;width:auto;}@media(max-width: 48rem){.css-p1qoec{font-size:0.9375rem;line-height:1.3;}}@media(min-width: 48rem){.css-p1qoec{font-size:0.875rem;line-height:1.3;}}@media(min-width: 64rem){.css-p1qoec{font-size:0.9375rem;line-height:1.3;}}.css-p1qoec:focus-visible{outline-color:body-cta-btn-link-focus;}.css-p1qoec:hover{color:#fff;text-decoration-color:border-link-body-hover;background-color:#d2232e;-webkit-transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;border:thin solid #d2232e;}Buy it here. (2015). The warm water will help clean the cut, and the bleeding should slow meanwhile. slimpicker 10 yr. ago. Minor cuts can usually be treated easily without a medical evaluation. To help ensure a healthy healing process, change the dressing daily or more frequently if it becomes wet, dirty, or bloody. The bandages are also designed to stay on for several dayseven through hand-washing and bathing. Maybe you drew it over top of an ingrown hair or a barely-there mole. Then, gently wipe the excess balm away with your clean fingers. 5 Tips to Heal Shaving Cuts. You should also raise the injured body part above the level of the heart so the bleeding slows down and stops. Sometimes you can see the signs of a resulting infectionswelling, tenderness, redness, oozing pusbut other times the infection might be smaller, and wont have the telltale symptoms. Once you know your spot is a harmless cherry angioma, you might be tempted to snip it off at home. Sharp blades make very clean cuts, and clean cuts make it harder for your platelets the cells that form scabs to do their business of sealing up the hole, as more ragged cuts have more surface area to bond back together. Leave the cut uncovered if its not likely to get dirty or rub against clothes or other surfaces. Theres a whole market for aluminum-free deodorants. Cuts and scrapes: First aid. These could raise your risk of blood clots. A DIY method could leave a scar, and because cherry angiomas are made of blood vessels, a basic Band-Aid might not stop the bleeding. Advertising on our site helps support our mission. If a major artery is cut, a person can lose a life-threatening amount of blood in just 5 minutes. But too much bleeding. If youre in a hurry out the door, though, then a small, surface amount of balm will suffice, so long as the cut is sealed off. Like swimming pools and your package, the cold . Raise the finger above the heart, allowing the hand or arm to rest on something if needed. All products featured on GQ are independently selected by our editors. "They could go to urgent care to stop the bleeding," says Dr. Lee. Can I remove them myself? Inflammation then sparks the arrival of different kinds of cells to help get rid of bacteria and keep the wound clean. Saline solution is a safe option and cleans most cuts. If that doesnt work, try a decongestant nose spray. However, when you buy something through our retail links, we may earn an affiliate commission. , but it will have you cursing the very act of shaving when another clean white shirt falls victim to a cut that wont close. Depending on the size of the cut, you may always have a scar, but for many minor cuts, after several weeks or months, you may not even be able to locate the site of the wound. Its a small brick or pen-shaped tool, made of the mineral potassium alum. sydneygamer 10 yr. ago. Incorporate this effective 5-step guide in your routine to reap all the benefits and get healthier-looking skin, without creating a bloody mess. If the cut is deep, it might start to bleed again if you're not careful. Policy, Quick action and proper care can make a big difference. Here's how to apply one correctly. 5. Signs of infection include: Also, if the cut doesnt seem to be healing, this may indicate that theres an infection, or the wound requires stitches. Youll clear it away in the next step. Use one of these Mens Health-approved chapsticks, or good old-fashioned petroleum jelly, to stop up your shaving cut.Anything that seals the cut will enable it to clot faster and stop bleeding, says Dr. Mercuio. Unconsciousness, when a person is suddenly unable to respond to stimuli, requires immediate medical attention. Clean the wound with warm water and soap or another mild cleanser to get any dirt away from the cut. Luckily, if youre in a pinch, your stick of, Bottom line, the best thing you can do is shave gently and avoid getting sliced in the first place. Seek professional help for a nosebleed if bleeding does not stop after about 20 minutes, or if the nosebleed is related to a fall or injury. He recommends laying a towel . Shaving cuts happen to the best of us, whether were new to shaving or have been doing it for decades. If your favorite bottle of aftershave includes some kind of alcoholwhich many of them doyoure in luck. Keep putting direct pressure on the cut. We avoid using tertiary references. For this procedure, a healthcare provider will first clean the wound with a topical antibiotic. Ice will constrict the blood vessels, helping to form a clot. The following tips apply to relatively mild injuries. Take a clean washcloth and run it under warm water. If you think the cut could be infected, see your health provider ASAP. Learn six home remedies to stop bleeding caused by small cuts. For stubborn small bleeds, you may need to hold pressure for 15 minutes without interruption to allow a clot to form. Once the nose stops bleeding, instruct the person not to blow their nose for several days. will work better than little squares of toilet paper. However, too much bleeding can cause your body to go into shock. Its pretty easy to use: just keep the pencil on the cut until it stops bleeding, which usually takes a few seconds (note: it might sting a little while it works its magic). A minor cut should heal in under a week. Help the person to remain calm. There are some situations in which you shouldnt try to administer any kind of first aid at all. Bad idea. Apply a bandage to protect the area. When you cut yourself shaving, you bleed like crazyfor two reasons: The large number of blood vessels near the surface of your face, and the sharpness of your razor. Squeeze your nostrils together for 15 minutes, Go to the emergency room right away if it doesnt stop after three tries, Put a clean towel or bandage on the wound, Press on it firmly until the bleeding stops, Wear a bike helmet and other types of safety gear when needed, Wear protective gloves when working with tools of all kinds, Dont wear sandals or other open-toe shoes to avoid cuts on your feet, Put a clean towel, cloth, or bandage on the wound, Press on it firmly until the bleeding stops (dont press on something stuck in your. DOI: Mayo Clinic Staff. Regardless, youve got a situation on your hands (or rather, on your face), and you need to get yourself looking presentable, fast. Hint: You may be making simple mistakes that are preventing your body from healing. Luckily, if youre in a pinch, your stick of antiperspirant will do just fine all three contain ingredients that tighten your skin and constrict your blood vessels, which will quickly stop you from bleeding all over the place. 7. Cold water helps to constrict the blood vessels and stop bleeding. Cleveland Clinic is a non-profit academic medical center. Rinse off all traces of shaving cream with warm water to reduce the risk of irritation. Witch hazel toner is a primary post-shave product for this reason: It neutralizes bacteria while also calming skin. Keep the wound uncovered, but as clean as possible, once it has closed. Leave it alone for half an hourno touching, no scrutinizing.